The composition of the Board of Directors is as follows:
- President
- President Elect
- Vice-President
- Chairman of the Board
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Treasurer Elect
- Member At Large
- Educational Coordinator
- State Delegates (5)
The Board is the administrative and policy making body of the Society. The various duties and responsibilities, as outlined in the Bylaws are as follows:
- The Board shall meet at least six times per year, with meetings convened at the call of the President
- The Board has the power to take action on all matters affecting the Society
- As the administrative body of the Society, the Board shall;
- Interpret and administer the MSRT Bylaws;
- Provide guidelines to members;
- Provide guidance to committees, as well as necessary funding for committee operations;
- Appoint special committees as needed;
- Receive committee report and implement their recommendations, when accepted.
- The Board shall appoint an Operations Administrator and determine the terms of office, duties and salary.
- The board shall express and opinion to the MSRT delegates to the ASRT on matters to be acted on by the ASRT.
- The Board shall approve all major expenditures of money from the treasury.
The President represents and serves the membership of MSRT. The President’s role is to manage, stay informed, and see that all lawful orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried out.
Job Description
Responsible to: The membership of the MSRT.
Term of Office: One Year. Term begins at the Annual Conference & ends at the Annual Conference of the following year. Once your term as President is completed, you will serve as Chairman of the Board for one year.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Be elected by the members, serve for one (1) year
- Preside at all meetings of the State Society and the Board of Directors
- Be a voting member of the Board of Directors.
- See that all recommendations submitted to the Board of Directors are duly considered and all actions carried out.
- Appoint the chairs and members of any special committees, subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
- Be a member of the Conference Committee and Nominations Committee
- Review and approve all submitted statements of expenses if Treasurer is unavailable to pay bills in a timely manner
- Represent the state association at meetings of allied groups when invited.
- Keep membership informed of state activities by writing articles for the newsletter
- Call for nominations for the Oliver E. Merrill Lecture or the Florence Wakefield Award recipient and offer suggestions for ASRT Representatives to sit in the annual House of Delegates.
- Maintain a file of up-to-date state policies.
- Represents the state Society at all meetings and activities planned for Presidents and Presidents-Elect at the ASRT Annual Meeting.
- Initiate proper procedures, as stated in state Society Bylaws, for filling the unexpired terms of any elected officer when a vacancy occurs.
- Have general powers of supervision and active management usually vested in the offices of President.
- Prepare an annual report summarizing the year’s activities by June 1.
- Assume the office of Chairman-of-the-Board at end of your term as President.
The President-Elect is an elected official whoserves one year as President-Elect, then as President of the MSRT. He/she sits on the Board of Directors, and the Strategic Planning Committee. In general, the President-Elect assists the President in all of the President’s duties.
Job Description
Responsible to: The President and membership of the MSRT
Term of Office: One Year. The President-Elect assumes the office of President when the President’s term expires. Term begins at the Annual
Conference & ends at the Annual Conference of the following year.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Be elected by the members, serve for one (1) year, and be a member of the Board of Directors and the Budget Committee
- Be a voting member of the Board of Directors and the Strategic Planning Committee.
- Perform the functions of the office of President in the absence of the President.
- Appoint the Chairs and members of all standing and special committees to serve during the President-Elect’s term as President
- Be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the President and all other officers, and act as coordinator of programs and committees.
- Complete the programs and committees.
- Complete the program and activities planned for the year’s work after the election of new officers and appointments in the spring of the term as President-Elect.
- Represent the state Association at all meetings and activities planned for Presidents and Presidents-Elect at the ASRT Annual Meeting.
- Attend the ASRT HOD Meeting as an Affiliate Delegate.
The Vice-President is an elected official and a member of the Board of Directors. The Vice-President shall be responsible for any duties assigned to him/her by the President
Job Description
Responsible to: The President and membership of the Massachusetts Society of Radiologic Technologists
Term of Office: One Year. Term begins at the Annual Conference & ends at the Annual Conference of the following year.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Be a voting member of the Board of Directors
- Serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee
- Perform all the functions of the office of President in the absence of the President
The Secretary is an elected official and a member of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall be responsible for the annual review of the Policy and Procedures Manual, and be a member of the Strategic Planning Committee.
Job Description
Responsible to: The President and membership of the Massachusetts Society of Radiologic Technologists
Term of Office: One Year. Term begins at the Annual Conference & ends at the Annual Conference of the following year.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Coordinate minutes of all Board of Directors meetings with Operations Administrator.
- Be a voting member of the Board of Directors and the Strategic Planning Committee.
- Take roll call of those present and absent at Board of Directors meetings.
- Tally all ballots.
- Notify each candidate for office of the results of the election (via email).
- Conduct correspondence as directed by the President, and coordinate with Operations Administrator.
- Prepare an Annual Report summarizing actions taken by the Board of Directors and submit to the President by June.
The Treasurer is an elected official who sits on the Board of Directors. He/she is a member of the Budget Committee, and directs the finances of the organization.
Job Description
Responsible to: The President and Membership of the Massachusetts Society of Radiologic Technologists
Term of Office: Three Years. To serve as Treasurer Elect for one year and then assume office of Treasurer the second year. The third year is mentoring the new treasurer elect Term begins at the Annual Conference & ends at the Annual Conference of the third year.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Be a voting member of the Board of Directors.
- Direct preparation of the annual budget of the MSRT with President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Operations Administrator.
- Maintain custody with Operations Administrator of all funds and securities of MSRT.
- Coordinate with Operations Administrator compilation of accurate financial records.
- Arrange for annual review of records with CPA.
- Report financial status of MSRT to the Board of Directors as requested
- Prepare report of financial status of MDA for presentation to members at Board of Directors meetings, at the Annual Meeting and for the annual report.
- Represent MSRT as liaison with banking institutions and complete necessary documentation for all accounts.
- Advise the Board of Directors, in a timely manner with respect to vote requirement, of Certificates of Deposit and/or investment due dates.
- Prepare and sign checks for payment of invoices.
- Assume position of Treasurer-Elect on at the Annual Conference.
- Prepare an annual report on the finances of the association at the end of the fiscal year.
- Mentor the Treasurer elect during the third year of office
Once the President completes his/her term of office, they assume the position of Chairman of the Board.
Job Description
Responsible to: The President and members of the Massachusetts Society of Radiologic Technologists
Term of Office: One Year. Term begins at the Annual Conference & ends at the Annual Conference of the following year.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Be a voting member of the Board of Directors
Attend the ASRT HOD Meeting as an Alternate Delegate.
The Member-at-Large is an elected official who sits on the Board of Directors. He/she serves as a liaison between the general membership and the Board of Directors.
Job Description
Responsible to: The President and Membership of the Massachusetts Society of Radiologic Technologists
Term of Office: One Year. Term begins at the Annual Conference & ends at the Annual Conference of the following year
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Be a voting member of the Board of Directors.
- Attend Board of Directors meetings
The Education Coordinator is an elected official who sits on the Board of Directors. He/she oversees the MSRT’s Achievement in Continuing Education (ACE Program).
Job Description
Responsible to: The President and Membership of the Massachusetts Society of Radiologic Technologists
Term of Office: Two Years. Term begins at the Annual Conference & ends at the Annual Conference two years after.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Be a voting member of the Board of Directors.
- Oversee the function of the ACE Program.
- Assist the Education Councilors with questions/concerns which may arise while processing continuing education requests.
- Communicate with the MSRT membership any changes or updates with the ACE program and respond to difficulties members may be having.
- Communicate with the Massachusetts Radiation Control Program on issues relating to State Licensing Laws.
- Coordinate and chair ACE Committee Meetings for the purpose of addressing issues and setting policies regarding the ACE program.
- Attend and vote on issues presented by the MSRT Board of Directors pertaining to the MSRT in general.
STATE DELEGATE (5 Positions)
The State Delegate is an elected official who sits on the Board of Directors. He/she is responsible for organizing a half day educational seminar for the membership in their particular region of the State.
Job Description
Responsible to: The President and Membership of the Massachusetts Society of Radiologic Technologists
Term of Office: One Year. Term begins at the Annual Conference & ends at the Annual Conference of the following year
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Be a voting member of the Board of Directors.
- Attend Board of Directors meetings.
- Shall be elected in accordance with the officers’ article.
- Is eligible for re-election.
- Facilitates educational activities.
- Encourage and assist in fostering such activities as will be of general interest and benefit to radiologic technologists.
- Advise, assist and counsel radiologic technologists in their area in regard to professional matters, acting as official representatives of the MSRT.