
The MSRT recognizes the importance of providing opportunities and assistance for those pursuing careers in medical imaging and radiation therapy. Scholarships are awarded annually to students and technologists in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy.

Application Deadline February 24, 2025

For Students:  2025 Entry Level Scholarship Application
For Technologists:  2025 James V. Lampka Presidential Application

Donate Now to help support the scholarship funding

James V. Lampka Presidential Scholarship

Jim Lampka-2This scholarship was established in honor of James V. Lampka, a past MSRT President, QCC member and well respected educator in Massachusetts.   Mr.  Lampka was dedicated to the advancement of the profession, noting that education and was the key to the profession’s continued success.  Every year the QCC awards this scholarship to a worthy technologist who has chosen to further their education in the radiologic sciences, whether through a certificate or degree program.  

  Oliver E. Merrill/Florence Wakefield Scholarship


The MSRT Board of Directors established the Oliver E Merrill
Scholarship/Florence Wakefield scholarship in honor of two
extraordinary technologists. Oliver E. Merrill was a well respected Massachusetts educator and mentor to many RTs. 

Florence  Wakefield was a dedicated and respected Massachusetts  technologist who gave countless hours of her time to the MSRT,  acted as a mentor to many RTs, and was a student of Oliver E Merrill. The MSRT awards this scholarship annually as the Oliver E. Merrill scholarship on even numbered years and the Florence Wakefield scholarship on odd numbered years.   One entry level student in  Radiography, Nuclear Medicine or Radiation Therapy is selected as the recipient.


Megan Dooley, BS, RT(T) James V. Lampka Presidential Scholarship
Lindsay Bento Oliver E. Merrill Scholarship Recipient MCPHS Class of 2024

Ashley Leduc MSRT Scholarship Recipient BHCC Class of 2025

Student Leadership Development Program